Maddened by morphology or scared by syntax? Let us help. Whether we’re talking about awesome orthography, fascinating phonology or scintillating psycholinguistics, we hope to make language and linguistics accessible to you, the average, unlinguistified reader, and to share our love of all things to do with the amazing world of human communication.

Pesky English comparatives

Issue 14 | Features | Interrogatives | Dialects & Variants
What’s in an accent?

Issue 14 | Features | Language profiles | Dialects & Variants
Mandarin dialects: Unity in diversity

Issue 14 | Language profiles | Dialects & Variants
Discovering Angolan Portuguese

Issue 14 | Features | Dialects & Variants
Zapotec mapped onto Spanish

Issue 14 | Language profiles | Dialects & Variants
Mutations in Celtic languages

Issue 14 | Features | Language profiles
Te Reo Tahiti

Issue 14 | Features | Language profiles
Mazahua: Text, tone & tradition

Issue 14 | Features | Gobbledygook
Homeric word journeys

Issue 14 | Features | Ausländer
German idioms

Issue 14 | Features
If English words had jobs

Issue 13 | Features | Austronesian Languages
Reduplication in Austronesian languages
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