Argle-bargle, mumbo jumbo, jargon and nonsense. Unless you’ve taken a vow of silence, we use all sorts of words every day. Let our Gobbledygook column tell you the stories of where words and phrases come from, why they’re used in a certain way and how they’ve changed in meaning. Your brain will thank you for it.
Issue 14 | Features | Gobbledygook
Homeric word journeys
Issue 11 | Gobbledygook | Scripts & Orthography
Alphabet soup
Issue 10 | Gobbledygook
Lacuna matata: Missing words at dinner
Issue 7 | Gobbledygook
Germany or Deutschland
Issue 6 | Gobbledygook | Polyglotism
Polyglot or multilingual?
Issue 4 | Gobbledygook
Diner Lingo
Issue 3 | Gobbledygook
Cockney Rhyming Slang
Issue 2 | Gobbledygook
Mum or Mom (or Mam)?!
Issue 1 | Gobbledygook
Tracing the origins of gobbledygook
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